Monday, November 3, 2008

My Prince

One person can never make you happy. Over and over again, this has been coming up in my life. There’s someone I know, her name is Maria. No, her name isn’t actually Maria, but why do you need to know who it is? Any who, Maria had a really bad breakup with a guy she had been with for years. Following the breakup she sunk into a pit of depression, and it seemed like she would never get out. Then she met Paulo. Again, his name isn’t really Paulo either. He made her smile and Maria thought he could make her happy. With this new relationship, Maria has adopted a lot of Paulo’s traditions and completely left hers at the door. Maria is from Venezuela, and Paulo is Scandinavian. All her life, Maria was so proud of her culture, but in order to please Paulo, she has seriously abandoned it. Every time I see Maria, she is smiling, but I wonder when the mask will come off. You can’t live someone else’s life and hope to get happiness from it. You can’t forget what makes you come alive inside to pursue a life that gives you a false sense of joy.
Some of you “happy” people out there would probably point out the fact that, I have been single for a while now and I just wouldn’t understand. Right? I do. I know that when I do choose to become serious again with a guy, it’s not because he will be able to make me happy. It will be because he enriches the happiness that I have. It’ll be because I want to walk with him and share all the joy and blessings I have. Maybe this is why it’s seems so hard to dive into relationships for me. I’ve dated a bit, but I know that one day my prince will come and he will whisk me away and there will be a glorious…………… nope, sorry, not for me. Never has been. I’m pretty independent and I don’t need rescuing. Pay attention boys… what I need is someone that delights in me and I in him. Simple as that.
I think I could be single forever if it means that all my relationships would be with guys that didn’t let me be myself. Where is the fun in that? I know that I am created for a purpose and no man can keep me from pleasing my Creator. To do it any other way would rid me of a lot of joy. But for Maria and Paulo, I can only hope that she truly is happy and they do live happily ever after……
And if you thought this was going to be a detailed account of some new boy in my life, you should know me better than that. Peace.

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