Friday, June 19, 2009

Broken and Lovely

Been thinking about this thing we call brokenness lately. I've heard that if I bring all my stuff, all my bad habits, all my sin, the ugliest things going on in my life and lay them at the feet of my savior ... all is forgiven. Everything made new. My slate is wiped clean and I am transformed and restored because of grace.

What they don't tell you in Sunday school is that broken feeling that leads you to your knees at his feet, doesn't just leave. I became a christian my junior year in higschool. I am still broken by some of decisions I made before I surrendered my life to my Father. You might say, "But, you aren't who you were anymore." I don't agree. I am. I am filthy, unclean and undeserving of the mercy my Abba pours out over me. I never want to forget how incredibly loving Jesus is, for in my wrongs and shortcomings, he still loved me, and loves me still less, no more.

The blessing of brokenness is undeniable. It was the brokenness of the the sinful woman that allowed her to pour her perfume out on Jesus' feet and bathe them with her tears and hair. It is brokenness that reminds me the destructiveness of my sin. It is brokenness that allows me to cry out and recognize, not by my strength... but His. Brokenness allows me to never develop a prideful heart when speaking with others... I am not better than anyone else, no matter race, creed, circumstance, or their shortcomings. And most importantly it is Jesus' body BROKEN before us that allows me to live in Him.

The incredible things about it all is in our brokeness, god still thinks we are lovely in His sight.

No matter what you've done.

No matter what you continue to do.

No matter who you have hurt.

No matter the promises you broke.

No matter the lies you have told.

No matter how filthy you feel.

You are simply lovely in his sight. One of the best pictures I have seen about this concept of brokenness, is in this song called "Your Heart is Broken" by Bradley Hathaway. Have a listen. And yep, that's me on the right of him. The song has quickly become an anthem for me and a few people I know.

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